SSC actively participates in the exploration of upgrading the current project to a new phase. SSC initiative is an innovative framework of university teaching and research. It offers new strategies and serves as a new medium to re-structure undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and research. 

~ Dr Li Ling, project leader of Aquaponics

The SSC Initiative provided me with a brand-new experience to investigate the unsustainable facts/problems hidden in the hundreds of wet labs in UST. With this opportunity and platform, we can bring more positive social impact with our cross-disciplinary ideas and technologies.

~ XU Nan, Nathan, project leader of Digital Transformation of Laboratories with Smart Tracking Tray and IoT Technologies

The SSC provided an excellent living lab environment to test out pilot products and ideas such as the Smart Hub project. With SSC’s support, Urban Spring got access to the water dispensers on HKUST campus and were able to collect both operational and user behavior data from real-life settings.

~ Katherine Lam, Project leader of Urban Spring Smart Hub

The SSC provides a unique opportunity for innovative ideas to take off from laboratory research to real world applications with sensible impact to our community. The teaching and learning process for the students are no longer just textbook study, but embedded with hands-on experience, trial and error iterations.

~ Prof Zhi Ning, Project leader of SCAN

The Sustainability/Net-Zero office has been a great helping hand in our implementation of the student project 6reen. We would highly recommend the SSC competition to students from all backgrounds, as it has given us hands-on experience in running sustainability projects, and allowed us to foster system change.

~ Louise Kwok, leader of winning team of SSC student competition, 6reen project

SSC competition brings together students and staff with the same goals but different skills and ideas. It also promoted networking with students and experts who shared similar visions in pursuing sustainability and helped us establish connection with other teams.

~ Melody Chung, leader of winning team of SSC student competition, Precious Plastics to Art project


SSC Pitch Day
17 Mar 2023

SSC Pitch Day

2023 可持续发展与设计思维证书课程
1 Jun 2023 - 9 Jun 2023

2023 可持续发展与设计思维证书课程

Incentive Scheme for Net-Zero Carbon Research Projects

Incentive Scheme for Net-Zero Carbon Research Projects

SSC-track Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program

SSC-track Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program

Sustainable Smart Campus Leadership Program

Sustainable Smart Campus Leadership Program

Bird-watching Tour
17 Feb 2023 - 24 Feb 2023

Bird-watching Tour

Call for Proposals

SSC Living Lab Program for Faculty & External Partners Timeline and Submission Details

If you have a project idea that can demonstrate a smart approach to making our campus more sustainable; one where the campus itself is a platform for learning, experimenting, and showcasing new ideas, form a team and submit your project proposal for SSC funding application. All staff, faculty and alumni are welcome. Each team should have a full-time HKUST staff. 

Please click here to download the Final Proposal form

The final proposal submission deadline is 13 January 2025.

Opportunities > Section Row > Project Include
Project Champions

Projects must have at least one champion who is a full time staff or faculty serving as team leader.

Opportunities > Section Row > Project Include
Educational Potential

Projects must demonstrate an ability to provide a visible educational or learning outcome for the community

Opportunities > Section Row > Project Include
Stage of development

Projects must already be sufficiently developed and ready to be implemented on campus.

Opportunities > Section Row > Project Include

Projects will be evaluated on certain value for money metrics, such as life-cycle costs, benefits and impact.

Opportunities > Section Row > Project Include
Sustainable and Smart

Projects must demonstrate that they can satisfy our definitions of being sustainable and smart.

Opportunities > Section Row
Student Competition

Compete for a Better World

Do you have great ideas for ways to improve our campus to be smarter AND more sustainable? Have you identified areas where new technologies or innovative approaches can improve our campus? SSC Student competition was organized since 2020 to collect creative ideas from our students. 

You can now read the competition details of 2023 by clicking here 
You can also check out the winning entries of 2022. 

Opportunities > Section Row

SSC Digital Wall

The SSC Hub is a space to celebrate HKUST innovation and promote a sustainable, smart lifestyle on campus. 


Our Campus, Our Living Lab

The booklet is a celebration of some of the outstanding work that is making our campus smarter and more sustainable. The work is a combined effort of teams, where the mixture of ideas of people from different disciplines and backgrounds germinate the seeds of innovation.

Opportunities > Section Row