Food Waste Analytics And Visual Feedback For Benchmarking And Behavior Changes

Food Waste Analytics And Visual Feedback For Benchmarking And Behavior Changes
The project is an intelligent system used to study the food waste behaviors and analyze food consumption and waste patterns in the canteens at HKUST. The primary objective is to derive accurate information about the quantity and temporal pattern of food waste for different food categories, as well as other relevant food waste patterns in our dining halls. Based on such information, the system will then closely monitor the trend and further identify and implement active mechanisms to encourage food waste reduction efforts.
What is the problem this project is trying to address?
In Hong Kong, tons of food are wasted daily. The data from the HKUST 2020 Challenge showed that the food waste at HKUST has increased from 2.9 tons in 2014-15 to 269 tons in 2019-20, a net growth of 9,176%. This not only becomes a huge economic burden, but also incurs significant negative impact on the environment. This project aims to take actions to reverse this trend to reduce food waste and fulfill our responsibility for a sustainable environment.
How does this project support our sustainable smart campus as a living lab vision?
The project will use advanced AI, computer vision, and big data technologies to build an intelligent system, which will definitely make our campus smarter. Our project aims to provide periodic constructive feedback about the food consumption in our canteen. The feedback can be used by HKUST community to promote behavioural change for food waste reduction.
The project will help reduce food waste, making our campus more sustainable.