Internet of Tree Things

Internet of Tree Things
Internet of Tree Things consists of sensors, an IoT network, and several servers. The DESR Node comprises an accelerometer, a gyroscope, and compass to obtain orientation and vibration data. All the data collected can be transmitted and analysed in real time, using the LoRaWAN IoT network. The strength of signal transmission is maintained even in severe weather conditions. Finally, the data will be sent to the internet server and stored in a scalable data center at the DESR Lab. The project aims to provide a more solid diagnosis for tree health and allow for preventive measures to be taken.
What is the problem this project is trying to address?
After some unfavored weather conditions such as rainstorms and typhoons, many trees are damaged. These damaged trees often do not survive and cannot be rehabilitated as their root systems are injured. This project will create an effective system to deal with tree health and provide solutions in a preventative form by detecting symptoms and features before the tree falls down, allowing the responsible parties to take correct action.
How does this project support our sustainable smart campus as a living lab vision?
Trees are a crucial part of our environment in the sense of both beauty and functionality. They improve air quality, prevent erosion, and support wildlife. Their survival is paramount in the fight against global warming. IoTT technology performs as a smart and effective method to monitor tree conditions and help enhance maintenance and safety management. The data collected can also be used to create visualizations by other parties to promote environmental awareness. Furthermore, collaborations with other departments enable IoT workshops and educational events on tree-care to be held.
What's next?
The project aims to begin on the 1st of July 2019 and will last for about two years. Throughout the project, workshops on IoT and trees will be held, educating students on designing IoT devices and environmental science topics. After the project ends, the experience will provide room for more IoT technologies and the workshops for students can be continued.
For more information, please visit here.