Sustainable Smart Campus Student Competition 2024

About the Competition

Are there any specific areas on our campus where you think implementing new technologies or innovative approaches could make it smarter and more sustainable?


If you do then why not sign up for the SSC Student Competition! 


We have two pathways within the competition that you can choose from: 


1. Living Lab Project 

Form a group (recommend each group to have 3-4 members) to propose an on-campus project that will improve our campus conditions and make us smarter AND more sustainable. The top five successful group proposals will have an opportunity to implement their project on campus during the 2024/25 academic year with budget and support, subject to the feasibility of project implementation. Through meeting faculty and senior university administrators, the winning teams can build leadership skills, gain project management experience, and enhance their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.


2. Ideation Challenge

As a group or individually, offer a unique and creative idea on solving one of our pressing campus sustainability problems. It is not necessary to implement this idea – just give us your concept and amaze us! The top five winners will receive a cash award of $2,000 and the bragging rights of being an SSC creative champion!
You can focus on the landscape, buildings, facilities, mobility, learning and living spaces, catering, supporting services or, identify any other area that will benefit from a creative new approach.


Top 10 Short-Listed Entries

To explore the project ideas from the SSC student paper competition held in fall semester 2023, please click here.

To explore the project ideas of the SSC student paper competition held in fall semester 2022, please click here.


Student Competition Introduction Video

To learn more about what this competition is about and to hear from our past winners, click HERE to watch the video. 

We believe that every student should be given the chance to contribute towards making the campus a green, innovative and energizing place.

Submission Details

Submission Process

Submit a paper of up to four pages in length (all-inclusive of photos, graphics, and text descriptions) describing your idea.

  • Submission is due on 14 October 2024 and will first be reviewed by a judging panel who will select a short list of finalists (students can submit more than one entry).
  • Shortlisted teams / individuals will then be asked to create a short (3 minutes, max) video and an electronic poster for public viewing.
  • Shortlisted teams / individuals will participate in a booth display to communicate with interested public members to boost their voting numbers. 
  • The voting results from UST members and SSC committee members will be consolidated to determine the winners.


  • All UG and PG students are eligible for participating in the competition. 
  • The competition is centred for students in the Clear Water Bay campus. 
  • For GZ campus students who want to participate, they must have at least one participant in their team from the CWB campus. 


Evaluation Criteria

All papers will be assessed based on the following three criteria-

  • Significance of Problem - problem that is identified and well-defined with empirical observation.
  • Novelty of Solution - solution that is original and creative in addressing the problem.
  • Feasibility of Implementation - solution that is technically feasible and cost efficient.

Important Dates

Information Drop-In Session
12:30 - 13 :30 pm from 2-6 September 2024 at the SSC Hub.
Office Zoom Q&A (First Session)
12:00-13:00 pm 25 September 2024
Office Zoom Q&A (Second Session)
12:00-13:00 pm 9 October 2024
Paper Submission Deadline
14 October 2024
Judging Panel Review Results
28 October - 30 October 2024
Shortlisted students' submission of posters and videos (for public voting)
11 November 2024
Public Voting
18 November - 24 November
Student Booth
20 November - 21 November
Announcement of Winners
2 - 4 December
Kick Off Meeting with Team Projects
6 - 10 January 2025
Implementation of Team Projects
13 January - 30 June 2025



Living Lab Project

  • Top 5 teams has the opportunity to implement their project on campus during the 2023/24 academic year with support and budget.
  • We will provide mentoring on project management, support and guidance for project implementation on campus.
  • To learn more about the SSC projects, please visit

Ideation Challenge

  • Top 5 teams will win a $2000 cash prize.

Special Thanks to our Sponsor: